Yearly Archives


Ferry carrying 831 people sinks in central Philippines

A passenger ferry has sunk off the coast near the post of Cebu, in the central Philippines, after colliding with a cargo ship. With 831 passengers and crew members on board, the ferry took less than ten minutes to sink after the impact. The…

GeoResQ, a mountain safety app

The speed of intervention is a determining factor in the success of mountain rescue. The Italian National Mountain and Caving Rescue Corps (Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (Cnsas)), in collaboration with the Italian…

Emergency rescue à  la Cypress Hill It’s a well-known fact that music has beneficial effects on mood. In the video by Cypress Hill, one of the best-known US hip-hop groups, in collaboration here with British DJ Roni Size, the rescue team…

The nightlife of a US firefighter

The alarm rings at 2.30am and the firefighters at Station 39 Fire Department jump out of bed, scramble into their uniforms and dash to the truck that will carry them to the location of the emergency. For the on-call firefighters of the…

Home first aid kit: work of professional designer

The London designer Gabriele Meldaikyte has revisited the packaging of a home first aid kit with the aim of making it easier to use properly. The kit is divided into 3 sections, each for the treatment of the small injuries that typically…