Yearly Archives


Peru: 18 thousand families submerged by the flood

From the beginning of the year torrential rains don’t give respite to Peru; it continues to rain and the situation does not seem to improve, in some locations itrecords up to 200-250 mm of rain, and in the proximity of mountains it reaches…

Rosenbauer: HEROS-titan on course for success

With the HEROS-titan, Rosenbauer has set a new benchmark with regard to personal safety equipment for the emergency services. The premium product in the HEROS helmet range meets the most stringent international standards and certification…

#DontBeAMannequin - Campaign against women harassment

The video is a tragic reminder of the events that happened during New Year's Eve in India's tech-hub of Bangalore. According to reports, hundreds of women were harassed by a mob of men in a city that is deemed safer than places like New…

Spinal Immobilization: Treatment or Injury?

Are we really sure that all trauma patients require a complete spinal immobilization? Early studies had attributed pre-hospital neurological deterioration to a failure to immobilize the spine. However, other more recent studies did…