Yearly Archives


Aortic valvulopathy: what is it?

With " Aortic valvulopathy " we mean a condition in which the aortic valve - the structure that regulates the one-way flow of blood from the left ventricle of the heart to the aorta - is no longer able to perform its function

What is a neurological bladder?

Neurological bladder is a bladder disorder caused by neurological damage. The patient suffering from it sees the lower urinary tract impaired, and experiences difficulty urinating: the bladder filling and emptying mechanism does not…

Defibrillator, a bit of history

An early prototype defibrillator was built by the American surgeon Claude S. Beck at the University of Cleveland in 1974; it saved the life of a 14-year-old boy who suffered ventricular fibrillation during surgery