Yearly Archives


Heel spur: what is it?

The heel spur originates from the calcaneus, one of the 7 bones that make up the tarsus which, together with the metatarsus and phalanges, forms the skeleton of the foot

High triglycerides, what to do?

Part of the glyceride family together with monoglycerides and diglycerides, triglycerides are neutral esters of glycerol which – instead of the hydrogen atoms of the hydroxyl groups – are made up of three chains of fatty acids

Skin ulcers: what are they?

Skin ulcers are losses of skin tissue in which the re-epithelialisation process does not take place properly, for various reasons These lesions occur in any part of the body and can be caused by physical trauma, venous stasis, infections,…

Vulvodynia: what is it?

For a long time excluded from medical research because it was classified as a merely "psychosomatic" or even "psychogenic" disorder - therefore erroneously classified as an essentially trivial and negligible female problem - vulvodynia is…

What is congenital torticollis?

Torticollis is a pathological condition characterized by a lateral or rotational deviation of the head. Although many people suffer from this pathology, especially as they get older, perhaps few will know that it can also be congenital