Yearly Archives


When TV saves lives: a teenager's lesson

A 14-year-old boy becomes a hero after saving a man from a heart attack thanks to acquired skills In an increasingly aware society of the importance of preparation in emergency situations, the story of a young boy who saved the life of a…

The fog that kills: smog in the Po Valley

An analysis of the latest data and impacts on public health from pollution The latest images provided by the Copernicus satellite network leave little room for interpretation: the Po Valley, a productive hub and the beating heart of the…

Dynamics of highway rescue in Italy

Detailed analysis of interventions in case of accidents on Italian highways Highway accidents represent one of the main challenges for road safety in Italy, requiring an effective and coordinated emergency response. This article explores…

Valuing foreign doctors: a resource for Italy

The Amsi urges the recognition and integration of international healthcare professionals The Association of Foreign Doctors in Italy (Amsi), led by Prof. Foad Aodi, has highlighted the crucial importance of valorizing and integrating…

AFP: a marker in early diagnosis

The Role of AFP in Modern Medicine Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is more than just a protein; it serves as a sentinel in the early diagnosis and monitoring of significant medical conditions. Primarily produced by the yolk sac and fetal liver…

Adriamycin: an ally against cancer

Hope in the Fight Against Illness Modern medicine has witnessed the introduction of numerous drugs aimed at combating cancer, among which Adriamycin stands out. Known scientifically as doxorubicin, this powerful chemotherapy agent…

Adenocarcinoma: the silent challenge

A Comprehensive Overview of the Most Common Cancer Adenocarcinoma poses one of the most complex challenges in the field of modern medicine. This type of cancer, originating from glandular cells in the body, manifests in vital organs such…

DNA: the molecule that revolutionized biology

A Journey Through the Discovery of Life The discovery of the structure of DNA stands as one of the most significant moments in the history of science, marking the beginning of a new era in understanding life at the molecular level. While…