Emergency Services Show, a record edition in Birmingham
Growing Emergency Services Show Attracts Record Visitor Numbers
Organisers of The Emergency Services Show have confirmed that the two-day event held at the NEC in Birmingham last month attracted a record number of 5,680 visitors. This represents the eighth consecutive year-on-year increase in visitor growth and a six per cent increase since the event relocated to the NEC in Birmingham last year.
Aimed at all emergency services and their partner agencies involved in emergency response, planning and recovery, The Emergency Services Show 2014 offered visitors more opportunities than ever before to learn new skills and broaden their knowledge, with the introduction of two free seminar programmes and a series of co-located meetings and seminars hosted by key industry bodies.
The show also offered live demonstrations of rescue techniques, equipment and vehicles and free training opportunities. Aaron Matthews, First Responder Team Co-ordinator, Welsh Ambulance Service Trust, was among the many attendees who gained CPD credits at the College of Paramedics workshops. He said: “The teaching staff are really good, they explain things really well and answer any questions. It’s good refresher training for when you are out on the road.”
Physio Control also hosted workshops and found that every session was sold out, despite having added extra seating. Sam Amena, Marketing Product Specialist, Physio Control said: “We were very impressed with the size of the show… We are here to educate people and that has been very well received.”
Networking was cited by both visitors and exhibitors as a key benefit of attending. John Halfpenny, Policing Skills Trainer, Learning and Development, West Mercia and Warwickshire Police described the show as, “an invaluable and enjoyable chance to network and appreciate the challenges, strengths and capabilities of partner agencies in the emergency services and support organisations and responders.” This view was echoed by Tim Lewis, Capability Officer, CFOA National Resilience, exhibiting in the Emergency Response Zone. He explained: “We are here to get our name out there and catch up with partner agencies. It’s also useful for us to be here to network and see new equipment ourselves.”
With over 400 exhibitors, The Emergency Services Show is a one-stop shop for the latest kit, services and expertise. Des Harker, PPE Manager, Suffolk Fire Service found “an abundance of suppliers with new or innovative equipment that we can buy now or think about to meet our future requirements.” Kevan Whitehead, Director of Fire & Rescue Stirling Group, Dubai confirmed: “Within two days I met most of my current suppliers and met a few potential future suppliers. From an R&D perspective –absolutely the best use of my limited time.”
Exhibitors reported strong interest and quality leads, whether they had a product to sell or a message to communicate. Anneka Lowe, Marketing Manager, SP Services said: “Footfall on our stand was fantastic throughout the show and we’ve seen a great mix of people from across all the emergency services: everyone from paramedics and first responders to procurement professionals. Our retail store proved very popular with good sales across both days.”
Oliver North, Managing Director of Rosenbauer UK, which launched its front line appliance range at the show, said: “The Emergency Services Show is the main platform in the UK to establish new innovations and concepts to our excellent fire and rescue services. This year provided that perfect platform as Rosenbauer begins its firm, specific and strategic focus on the British fire market.”
Luana Avagliano, Head of the Resilience Direct team at the Cabinet Office, said: “The Emergency Services Show proved a great opportunity for us to meet with all our stakeholders and show off our new system. We’ve met all the right people here and had a fantastic response to the service.”
The Emergency Services Show returns to the NEC in Birmingham to celebrate its 10th anniversary from 23-24 September 2015. Organisers have confirmed they will continue to offer entry to the exhibition and seminars free of charge as well as provide free parking and a free shuttle bus from the railway station to the exhibition halls. More details will be published on www.emergencyuk.com
For more feedback on the success of the Emergency Services Show 2014 visit the Twitter Stream at @emergencyukshow , the Linked In Group and the show’sFacebook Page