St John Ambulance Kenya in collaboration with a taxi firm launch an app for emergency response
St John Ambulance of Kenya in collaboration with the Little Cab company launched the new app to request an ambulance in case of emergency.
Little Cab company’s core is taxi transports. The partnership with the St John Ambulance gave birth to a taxi-hailing app, called “Little” in order to give the opportunity to customers to call an ambulance.
Little cab and St John Ambulance Kenya for single emergency response, what will the app do?
Of course, the vehicle provided will belong to St John Ambulance and allows users to request ambulances from its service. St John Ambulance dispatcher, who receives the call will coordinate the emergency response with the ambulance crew active on that area.
Every action of response will be carried out with the support of a live map. It will help the crew in reaching the patient and, on the other hand, will help the patient or the bystander to track the ambulance and to know the estimated arrival time. This is what Fred Majiwa, head of programme, business development and communications at St John Ambulance Kenya affirmed on Business Insider.
The advantages of the new ambulance transport app
Thanks to this live map, the crew will be able to localize the patient and spare time. Usually, first responders and dispatchers spend much time speaking at the phone and trying to understand the position of the patient.
One of the main issue they are going to solve with this new app is the difficulty of patients and bystanders to find the right number of emergency to call. Mr Majiwa stated, “when people are in emergencies, they go online to search for ambulance services and contacts, which can be time-consuming and may not lead you directly to the contacts”.
Another aspect, according to Mr Majiwa, is the possibility to enhance COVID-19 cases management, which they are currently attending to free of charge.
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St John Ambulance Kenya: official website
Little Cab