Tasmanian Health Minister changes role of ambulances: used for secondary triage
Tasmania’s Health Minister has announced a change in the role of ambulances in the country. Their areas of responsibility will be greatly expanded, going far beyond simple transport, emergency or otherwise
Ambulance services in Tasmania, Health Minister Jeremy Rockliff notes
“Ambulance Tasmania is transforming its service delivery to provide more health services directly to Tasmanians, reducing pressure on our hospitals.
While responding quickly to emergency situations and transporting patients to an emergency department will always be a core focus, Ambulance Tasmania is also playing bigger role in providing healthcare.
Not all patients who call Triple Zero require ED care, and some callers do not need an ambulance.
Rather than simply transporting those who call an ambulance to hospital, we are implementing a number of innovative programs to provide improved patient-centred care.
An Emergency Mental Health Co-Response Team will be introduced by the end of this year in southern Tasmania for a pilot program, which will see mental health clinicians travel with police and paramedics to attend mental health-specific Triple Zero calls.
This will mean patients will receive faster access to mental health services, while reducing avoidable hospital admissions, with the program based on successful models interstate and overseas.
Our highly successful secondary triage program is now fully operational and improving the way Ambulance Tasmania responds to requests for assistance from the public
Work is continuing to further improve this service by creating more referral pathways to link patients with other healthcare providers or provide alternative transport options, rather than being transported to an ED.
Ambulance Tasmania will also focus on expanding the role of our Extended Care Paramedics in areas of greatest need.
These advanced practice paramedics have additional education in comprehensive patient assessment and primary care skills, meaning they can provide safe care for patients away from hospital when appropriate.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government is taking a holistic approach to healthcare to ensure we provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time, which not only reduces pressure on our hospitals, but can also provide much more comfortable, appropriate and convenient care for patients”.
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