Train with a mannequin which vomits green slime!
Have you trained with a mannequin that vomits slime to make a critical patient treatment simulation even more realistic? This is what the Royal Flying Doctors Service realized SALAD.
The Royal Flying Doctor Service has developed a new training mannequin that vomits sickly green slime during an intense training exercise. This in order to help practice treating patients who vomit while they’re being artificially ventilated. The mannequin is known as SALAD (Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy Airway Decontamination Device). It is being used by the RFDS team at Broken Hill in New South Wales. Dr Andy Caldin from the South Eastern Section’s (RFDS SE) Dubbo base said that in short, SALAD was an airway training mannequin that vomits.
SALAD, the perfect patient mannequin to train with, in case of complications in pre-hospital ventilation
Dr Caldin explained that keeping lungs and airways clear is a critical skill when dealing with unconscious patients as any blockage could be fatal. That’s why SALAD mannequin would be important in emergency staff training. Also, the American physician, Dr James DuCanto, invented this cutting-edge training tool and then generously posted some DIY instructions on-line. Dr Caldin affirmed, “I thought it was something we could use here, so I decided to give it a go.”
How SALAD had been created? And, how this mannequin can be perfect for pre-hospital ventilation training?
Thanks to his former skills as a carpenter, Dr Caldin had been able to build SALAD with a wooden frame and fitting an old airway head with parts from hardware stores. With a shower pump, he connected to a 50 litres reservoir forming the stomach, which pumps up to four litres of ‘vomit’ per minute. The vomit is made from a combination of water mixed with green food colouring.
The need for refreshing medical skills gave the idea to create this mannequin, according to Dr Caldin. Using this SALAD simulator permit emergency medical crews to update their own skills with RFDS SE medical staff at all levels. The first that tried it in their training programme ware the Broken Hill (Australia) ambulance service and some emergency department throughout the region, anaesthetic and intensive care staff.