War in Ukraine, ambulance fitters on the front line: Validus sends emergency vehicles to Kiev, Cherkasy and Dnieper
If ambulances are essential in peacetime, let alone in Ukraine these days. So it’s only natural that Validus Special Auto is proud of the fact that not only has it not suspended its activities, but is defying the bombs to deliver emergency vehicles to the areas where the conflict is at its fiercest
Ukraine, the commitment of Validus Special Auto:
“In this war,” say the Ukrainian ambulance fitters, “everyone has their job to do: there are those who fight the enemy, there are those who treat their own population with relentless effort, there are those who prepare food and this can go on for a long time!
There are people who work hard and at this crucial time for our Ukraine they are essential, but what is particularly important is that they have the technology and equipment that can save a life!
For the past nine days, the company “Validus Special Auto” has been mobilising and working hard to produce three units: a Special Vehicle for the Transport of Explosive Materials (distribution and transport of explosive and dangerous materials), Medium Class Special Preparation Vehicle SARM-C and Light Class Special Preparation Vehicle SARM-L.
As it was written at the beginning of this post, everyone has his own task in the war and we realise that the task and mission of our company is to do just that which will help the heroic angels of our Ukraine to save lives.
Many thanks to the DISNS Ukraine volunteer rescuers and firefighters for their work!
A huge thank you to all those who report incredible efforts to make our Ukraine the best!
War in Ukraine, Validus’ gratitude for its workers
P.S.. as the owner of the company, just a big thank you to every employee of Validus Special Auto, who works under constant interruptions, with broken bones from bombing, in the cold, but with incredible enthusiasm and dedication!!!
You guys are the best in the world, I swear!”.
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