4 low-tech solutions for communications in emergencies

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Haiti, Indonesia, Philippines, World Humanitarian workers are increasingly turning to ‘medium-low’ or ‘low-tech’ solutions as some of the infrastructure that is needed to…

Latest Global Emergency Overview highlights

Source: Assessment Capacities Project Country: Afghanistan, Angola, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea,…

Basic understanding of the pulse oximeter

Oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells when moving through the lungs. It is transported throughout the body as arterial blood. A pulse oximeter uses two frequencies of light (red and infrared) to determine the percentage (%) of…

Only 20% of FAO humanitarian appeals covered

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization Country: Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Iraq, Jordan,…

Air strikes, clashes continue to flaunt Yemen truce

RELIEFWEB.INT -  Air strikes in support of forces loyal to exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi went on, despite a six-day humanitarian truce, which technically took effect just before midnight on 10 July. Aden, Yemen | 12:40 GMT…

RAW - terrifing crash involved a fire truck in Poland

POLAND, Kluczbork -  A terrific crash happened On Saturday at 12.00 in the town of Kluczbork. Here below you could see the images of the accident scene and a footage from a dash-cam, which capture all the incident evolution. In the Dash-Cam…

Ultrasound may heal chronic wounds, suggests study

Tests on animals, published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, showed healing times could be cut by nearly a third. Experts said the early results were "quite impressive" but needed to be tested on people. from Pocket…

What to do when the earth starts shaking

A UN program expands to offer practical wisdom for all manner of natural disasters in developing Asian nations. Training in Bangladesh comes just after a powerful earthquakes disrupts nearby Nepal. DHAKA, BANGLADESH — Students like Eidia…

Gael, Aviaton safety solutions for HEMS and industries

MASSA AIRPORT, ITALY - HEMS Congress has been the most important meeting about air ambulance rescue of the Italian market. With more than 250 professionals, 50 discussants, 42 relators and the most important companies about helicopters and…

Madrid Fire Department chooses Allison for fleet renewal

The Madrid Fire Department continues to choose Allison fully automatic transmissions for the renewal of its fleet, recently adding an Allison-equipped heavy-duty fire truck for rural applications to its 11 existing Allison-equipped vehicles…

Heat Shield, the uniqueness of the SOGDA devices

“Sogda” heat shields are a brand new device (produced by SpecPozh Tech) based on the unique innovative technology of the radical decrease of heat flux. The shields' know-how and technology are protected by several patents in Russia and…

Sabah footballer critically injured in car crash

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah footballer Rozaimi Abdul Rahman and his cousin are reported to be in critical condition after the vehicle they were travelling in crashed near here. The 23-year-old striker and his cousin Awangku Mohd Farris were…

Refugees are near to double, UNHCR says

ROME - The large majority of the 137,000 people who crossed the Mediterranean Sea into Europe during the first six months of 2015 were fleeing from war, conflict or persecution, making the Mediterranean crisis primarily a refugee crisis, a…

The new IN/X by FERNO at INTERSCHUTZ 2015

Ferno was one of the most interesting exhibitors at Interschutz 2015 with the new IN/X project, the first kind of electronic stretcher which have indipendent legs. This device was presented to Emergency Live by mr. Jim West, International…

African abnormal dryness, the infographic

Rainfall remains below average across parts of West Africa, Latin America, Ethiopia, and Djibouti Africa Weather Hazards A delayed onset of the rainy season, followed by poorly-distributed rainfall, has led to abnormal dryness across…

CPAP during HEMS operations - HEMS Congress Poster

This scientific poster was presented during the HEMS Congress exhibition in Massa, Italy. The author is Dr. Alberto Baratta, medical director of the Emergency Unit in Massa (Italy) and medical chief of the HEMS base of Massa, Pegaso 3.…

Disaster Activity in US in the last week

Severe Storms and Flooding, Wildfires & Other Disasters On Wednesday, powerful storms will again target the Midwest and Plains with damaging winds, large hail and the possibility of tornadoes. Further west, a massive heat wave is…

The Spencer 4Bell preview at Interschutz 2015

Superior quality, high technology, advanced services: this is the secret of  Spencer’s success,  leading European EMS brand. Since 1989 Spencer has been inventing solutions for emergency services answering the most complex problems with…

RCN Congress 2015, events programme and exhibitions

RCN Congress is where RCN members meet to learn, develop and share nursing practice. It is also where members inform the RCN agenda and influence nursing and health policy through debate. This year Congress is being held in Bournemouth…

INTERSCHUTZ DAY 06 | Goodbye Hannover, welcome Australia!

Deutsche Messe and the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council announce cooperation: Offshoot of INTERSCHUTZ, the world-leading exhibition for fire protection and rescue, soon to take root in Australia On Friday, June…

INTERSCHUTZ 2015 LIVE - Monday's Daily Tips

Over 100.000 visitors will meet Emergency Live in #interschutz on this week in Hannover. We will follow live any event and we will know more about new products and devices. Here you could take at a glance the web impression of exhibitions…

easyRAUM: visualize your event, design your safety

Since its foundation in 2004, the software company based in Düsseldorf has turned out  to be a premium brand in the event industry. More than 850 customers such as hotels, convention centers, venues, renowned event agencies and event…

Spencer at Interschutz 2015 with new products

Spencer Italia is attending with great pride Interschutz 2015. The Italian company leader in the world of medical devices for rescue and EMS will be at the German festival with a major exhibition in Hall 26, E02 location. All the innovative…

Helicopter Crash in Nepal Killing 4 humanitarian workers

KATHMANDU, Nepal — A helicopter on a relief mission for the international aid agency Doctors Without Borders crashed in a district northeast of Kathmandu on Tuesday afternoon, killing four people on board. Relief and rescue operations in…

Airbus Helicopters in Emergency Medical Services

With more than 40 years of experience in Emergency Medical Service (EMS), Airbus Helicopters currently offers the widest and best adapted range of helicopters for EMS missions, leading that segment. Today every 4th EMS helicopter is…

RETTmobil 2015 LIVE TWEET and Photogallery

The International Exhibition for Rescue and Mobility in Fulda is one of the most important EMS appointment of the year. Dramatic actuality, global significance and impressive tradition come together at the 15th RETTmobil 2015, the…

Opinion: Dispatch Transition to EOC Operations

Within the LinkedIn discussion thread of one of my recent posts on applications of ICS, I was prompted to consider that one more awkward element for an EOC operation can be the transition or integration of dispatch with the EOC.  Consider…

Temporary Roof: How to install a Blue Roof

Following a hurricane, the essential next step in the recovery process is the stabilization of your home to stop further damage and to prepare to rebuild. Tarping a damaged roof is the critical action that preserves the option for future…

Pain management in blunt thoracic trauma


Extreme Helicopter Riding: Italian Alpine rescue video

Extreme helicopter landing is ever spectacular image. But Italian one is better than others. Reporter Marco Petruzzelli had filmed an exercises for mountain rescue in Belluno. A pilot of the National Forestry Corps demontrate his ability,…