Arteriosclerosis: what is it?

Atherosclerosis is a hardening and loss of elasticity of blood vessels and particularly arteries due to the accumulation of lipids that form hard, rigid plaques that thicken the walls of blood vessels

Skin diseases: xeroderma pigmentosum

Xeroderma Pigmentosum is a rare genetic disease characterized by hypersensitivity to UV radiation. It manifests with symptoms affecting the skin, eyes and nervous system. Protection from ultraviolet radiation is essential

Pediatric patient: what is arthrogryposis?

Arthrogryposis is a condition that-right at the origin of the name Marfan Syndrome-was described by Dr. Marfan in the 19th century and named after him Later, the better definition of Marfan Syndrome differentiated the latter (while…

Angina pectoris: symptoms and causes

What is angina pectoris? The term angina denotes a manifestation of Myocardial Ischemia of which it is a member, predominantly a consequence of atherosclerosis, characterized by the formation of atheromatous plaques that result in narrowing…

Alzheimer's disease, symptoms and diagnosis

Alzheimer's disease is the most frequent variety of primary dementia in the world. Alzheimer's disease gradually presents with memory loss, difficulty in movement, loss of language ability, and difficulty recognizing objects and people

Aslanger Pattern: Another OMI?

In April 2020, Aslanger et al identified a specific ECG pattern concerning for acute inferior occlusion MI (OMI) in patients with concomitant multi-vessel disease, that does not display contiguous ST-segment elevation or fulfil STEMI…

Down syndrome, general aspects

Down Syndrome is a genetic condition characterised by the presence of an extra chromosome in the cells: instead of 46 chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell there are 47, i.e. there is an extra Chromosome No. 21; hence also the term…

Bronchiolitis in infants: symptoms

Bronchiolitis epidemics are very frequent during the cold season. It is above all children who are most easily exposed to infection with the Respiratory Syncytial Virus, responsible for the main symptoms of respiratory infection

Stuttering: aetiology

The World Health Organisation (WHO) classifies stuttering as a specific developmental disorder, 'a disorder of speech rhythm in which the patient knows exactly what he or she wants to say, but at the same time is unable to say it' (1977)

Bronchitis: symptoms and treatment

What is Bronchitis? The suffix "itis" in medicine indicates a state of inflammation, for which bronchitis is simply the inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the bronchi, the most important airway in the passage of air to the lungs

Oncology, an overview of orbital tumours

Orbital tumours constitute a large group of primary lesions (i.e., originating from the orbit of the eye), secondary lesions (originating from regions contiguous to the orbit: eyeball, ocular adnexa, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx) and…