Craving: desire and imagination

Craving is a term that refers to the compulsive desire for a psychoactive substance/behaviour (e.g. gambling), is among the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder (DSM V) and is a central factor in the maintenance of addiction

Sleep disorders: somnambulism

Let's talk about somnambulism. One of the most important acquisitions of modern neuropsychopathology since its beginnings lies in the distinction between the analysis of form and that of content, observing the apparently abnormal behaviour…

How to deal with eating disorders

What are eating disorders? The DSM-5, i.e. the most important of the diagnostic manuals to which professionals internationally refer to diagnose psychological and psychiatric disorders, defines eating disorders (EAD) as "characterised by a…

What are congenital heart defects?

The term 'congenital' means 'existing at birth'. Congenital defects include all those alterations in the structure or function of one or more organs that occurred before birth, at conception or during embryo-fetal life

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Risk Factors

The risk factors most commonly considered in favouring pelvic floor dysfunctions are of a general acquired type such as age, sex, internist pathologies of a chronic nature, conditions accompanied by repeated increases in abdominal pressure…

Chronic pain, causes and remedies

Chronic pain is continuous or recurrent pain at intervals of months or years. Unlike acute pain, which is merely a symptom of something else, chronic pain can itself become the disease: in particular when it is associated with dysfunction,…

What are Vascular Malformations

Vascular malformations are difficult to classify. This term refers to a congenital pathology that often manifests itself within a few days of birth and includes an infinite series of diseases, some of which are trivial (such as flat…

Eczema: causes and symptoms

Eczema (or dermatitis) is a non-contagious inflammatory skin disease. It is the most common of skin diseases and can affect people at any age, even those with no particular health problems

Travel pathologies: Economy Class Syndrome

What is Economy Class Syndrome? Anyone who has experience of flying, either as a traveller or as a crew member, also has experience of signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities that can strike during and after a…

Haematuria: the causes of blood in the urine

Haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. Haematuria is defined as microscopic when it is detected on microscopic examination of the urine sediment, while it is defined as macroscopic when it gives a reddish colour to the urine and…