How Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) Is Treated

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) occurs because your body lacks adequate iron to produce enough hemoglobin. The goals of treatment for IDA are to treat underlying causes and to restore levels of red blood cells (RBCs), iron, and hemoglobin.1

First Aid: How to Use a Compression Bandage

A compression bandage is a type of stretchy bandage that is wrapped around a body part to place pressure on it. It is commonly used in first aid as part of a therapy known as RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation)

Why are there leukocytes in my urine?

Why do tests show leucocytes in the urine? Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are a central part of the immune system. They help to protect the body against foreign substances, microbes, and infectious diseases