Liver cysts: when is surgery necessary?

The liver can also be affected by the formation of one or more cysts: small sacs or cavities filled with fluid. Generally, their presence is linked to a benign condition that rarely jeopardises the function of the organ. Only in some…

Myopia: what it is and how to treat it

Myopia is a very common eyesight defect. It is the most common refractive defect in the world. In Italy it affects 1 in 4 people. We are talking about myopia, a problem that prevents objects from being seen well at a distance

What is presbyopia and when does it occur?

Presbyopia: over the age of 45, everyone begins to have difficulty seeing the words and images on their smartphone screen, or feels the need to move the book or newspaper they are reading away from them in order to focus on the text

What is hand radiography (hand X-ray)?

Radiography (or X-ray) of the hand: the X-ray examination of the hand is a radiological examination carried out using X-rays, which are able to pass through the human body and imprint themselves photographically on a film

Intestinal polyps: diagnosis and types

Intestinal polyps occur mainly in people over 40. To the eye they appear as irregularities in the mucosa, the inner tissue that makes up the walls of the colon or rectum, but each polyp can vary in shape, size and growth pattern

Breast cysts, how to detect them

Breast cysts are a widespread benign condition, with around 60% of women suffering from them. It is a malformative disease: an altered development of the milk ducts, small tubes immersed in the lobules of the breast

Renal colic, how does it manifest itself?

Renal colic is a symptom of a well-characterised disease, usually related to urinary stones. It is typically manifested by a pain that originates in the lumbar region, i.e. near the spinal column, and radiates to the scrotal bursa in men or…