Covid in UK says no to compulsory vaccination

"Britain says 'no' to compulsory vaccination against Covid-19. It should be a positive choice, not an imposition". This was stated by the British Health Minister, Sajid Javid, who added: "We will not follow the example of Austria"

Lumbar puncture: what is a LP?

Lumbar puncture is a surgical procedure used to extract the cerebrospinal fluid produced by the choroid plexuses, which flows in the spinal canal of the spine, in the subarachnoid spaces and in the ventricles of the brain

Headaches: migraine or cephalea?

The International Headache Society has classified almost 100 different types of headaches. They can be divided into primary and secondary headaches. Let's talk about some forms of primary headaches: migraine in the first place, then tension…

Pneumonia, experts warn: it's not just COVID-19

12 November was World Pneumonia Day, established in 2018, a century after the 1918 influenza pandemic that caused almost 100 million deaths, with the aim of turning the spotlight on this all too often underestimated disease