Italian Red Cross meets with Pope Francis

A Tribute to Human Dignity and Dedication in Facing Global Challenges: Testimonies, Commemorations, and Commitment at the Vatican Audience On April 6th, a flow of six thousand volunteers from all corners of Italy poured out their affection…

Hepatectomy: A Vital Procedure Against Liver Tumors

Hepatectomy, a crucial surgical intervention, removes portions of the diseased liver, saving human lives by treating various liver disorders This surgical procedure involves partial or complete resection of the liver, depending on the…

Chromosomes: The Keepers of the Genetic Code

A detailed journey into the enigmatic realm of chromosomes, the pillars of life that safeguard the genetic blueprint of every organism These intricate structures, composed of complex strands of DNA intertwined with proteins, reside within…

Endocervical Curettage: An Essential Guide

Endocervical curettage, a critical gynecological procedure that allows physicians to accurately diagnose precancerous conditions and cervical cancer Endocervical curettage, a procedure of critical importance in the field of gynecology,…

Illuminating the Spectrum: World Autism Day 2024

Embracing Differences: Understanding Autism Today Blossoming alongside spring flowers, World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated on April 2, 2024, for its 17th edition. This globally recognized event, approved by the United Nations, aims to…

How to try to prevent diabetes

Prevention: a major challenge for health Diabetes affects many people in Europe. In 2019, according to the International Diabetes Federation, approximately 59.3 million adults were diagnosed with diabetes. An even larger number of people…

How to become a pediatric nurse practitioner

Training paths and professional opportunities for those who want to dedicate themselves to the care of children The role of pediatric nurse The pediatric nurse plays a crucial role in healthcare dedicated to the youngest, from birth to…

Life Saved: The Importance of First Aid

The Importance of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation In a world where every moment can be crucial to saving a life, knowledge and application of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) emerge as…

Saving Water: A Global Imperative

Water: Vital Element at Risk The importance of water as a vital resource and the need for its conscious and sustainable use were central to the reflections of World Water Day 2024 on March 22nd. This occasion underscores the urgency of…

Colonoscopy: what it is and how it is performed

What is Colonoscopy? Colonoscopy is an essential medical procedure for exploring the inside of the colon (large intestine) and rectum. Using a colonoscope, a long flexible tube equipped with a camera at the end, the doctor can identify and…

The Biopsy: A Crucial Tool in Medical Diagnosis

What is a Biopsy? A biopsy is a fundamental medical procedure that involves sampling and analyzing a small piece of body tissue under a microscope. This examination can be performed on virtually any part of the body, including the skin,…

Basalioma: The Silent Enemy of the Skin

What is Basal Cell Carcinoma? Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), commonly known as basalioma, is the most common yet often underestimated form of skin cancer. Deriving from basal cells located in the lower part of the epidermis, this neoplasm…

Barium: An Invisible Ally in Medical Diagnostics

Barium in Medicine: An Overview Barium, a chemical element with multiple applications in the industrial field, also plays a crucial role in medicine, thanks to its ability to enhance the visualization of soft tissues in radiographic…

Demystifying Hamartoma: A Comprehensive Overview

What is an Amartoma? An amartoma represents a benign and abnormal growth consisting of the same tissue from which it originates, but with a disorganized cellular structure compared to surrounding cells. These tumors can arise in any part…

International Day Against Racial Discrimination

Origins of a Fundamental Day March 21st marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, a date chosen in memory of the Sharpeville massacre of 1960. On that tragic day, amidst apartheid, the South African police…

Happiness and health, a perfect combination

A Day to Remember to Be Happy International Day of Happiness, celebrated every year on March 20th, is a unique opportunity to recognize the importance of happiness in people's lives around the world. Established by the United Nations…

Best Master's Degrees in Nursing in Europe

Exploring Paths of Excellence: The Future of Nursing in Europe In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, specializing with a Master's in Nursing Science can make a difference in a professional's career. Europe offers globally recognized,…

Know your eyes to fight glaucoma

Knowing Your Eyes to Combat the Silent Guest: Glaucoma During the World Glaucoma Week (March 10-16, 2024), ZEISS Vision Care, with the contribution of Dr. Spedale, emphasizes the importance of prevention and visual well-being through some…

Leukemia: let's get to know it closely

Between Challenge and Innovation: The Ongoing Quest to Beat Leukemia A Comprehensive Overview Leukemia, an umbrella term encompassing various forms of blood cancer, occurs when white blood cells, vital components of the immune system,…

The Black Death: a tragedy that changed Europe

Under the Shadow of Death: The Arrival of the Plague In the heart of the 14th century, Europe was struck by its most devastating pandemic in history: the Black Death. Between 1347 and 1352, this disease spread unchecked, leaving behind a…

The Diabetic Foot: what it is and how to manage it

The Importance of Prevention and Timely Care Diabetic foot represents one of the most serious and common complications of diabetes mellitus, involving neurological, vascular, and infectious alterations that can lead to disastrous…

The Most Wanted Health Professions of 2024

An Essential Guide to Making Informed Choices In the landscape of healthcare professions, 2024 marks a turning point in terms of demand and career opportunities across Europe, including Western European nations. This guide explores the…

4×4 Ambulances: Innovation on Four Wheels

Tackling Every Terrain, Saving More Lives 4x4 ambulances represent a crucial evolution in the field of emergency medical services, combining the power and resilience necessary to tackle the most challenging terrains with the high-tech…

Cdk9: new frontier in cancer therapy

Discoveries reveal the potential of Cdk9 as a therapeutic target in oncological treatments What is Cancer? Cancer is one of the most complex and diverse diseases afflicting humanity, characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of…

Fighting smog: salvation for European health

Reducing Pollution for a Healthier, Sustainable Future Europe faces a growing challenge against air pollution, a significant threat to public health and the environment. Attention is focused on fine particles (PM2.5) and harmful gases,…

The World of Ambulances: Types and Innovations

An Overview of Different Types of Ambulances in Europe and Their Functionalities The Diverse Faces of Rescue: Ambulances A, B, and C The ambulance service is a fundamental pillar of the healthcare emergency system, with ambulances…

The Extravasation: An Essential Guide

Let's explore what extravasation means in medical terms and how it is managed What is Extravasation? Extravasation in medicine refers to the accidental leakage of a fluid, often a drug or intravenously administered solution, from the…

Wilms Tumor: A Guide to Hope

Discoveries and Advanced Treatments for Pediatric Renal Cancer Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, poses a significant challenge in the fight against pediatric cancer. This renal carcinoma, the most common among children, has…

112: a single number for all emergencies

How the European Emergency Number is Transforming Emergency Response in Europe and Italy The number that unites Europe in case of emergency The European Emergency Number (EEN) 112 represents a milestone in the realm of rescue and safety…

Preventing ischemia: an essential guide

Raising Awareness for Better Health Ischemia, a word perhaps unfamiliar to many, describes a serious medical condition caused by inadequate blood supply to an organ or tissue, compromising the delivery of vital oxygen and nutrients. This…

Pain therapy: a comprehensive guide

What is Pain Therapy? Let's Find Out Together Pain, an unwanted companion of many medical conditions, varies in intensity and persistence, profoundly affecting the quality of life. Pain therapy, or algology, is constantly evolving,…

Dilated cardiomyopathy: a journey through the heart

When the Heart Widens: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments of an Underestimated Condition Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a medical condition that affects the heart, making it weaker and less capable of pumping blood efficiently. It is a…

Rhabdomyosarcoma: a rare oncological challenge

Exploring one of the rarest and potentially deadliest known tumors Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) ranks among the most insidious and rare tumors, primarily affecting childhood with an impact that extends beyond the physical realm, touching the…

Exploring the world's rarest cancers

A Overview of Uncommon Oncological Cases and the Challenges in their Identification and Treatment Tumors represent one of the leading causes of mortality globally, but not all are equally well-known or studied. Among these, some stand out…

The evolution of operations centers in emergencies

A journey through emergency management in Europe and the crucial role of emergency call centers Emergency call centers represent the cornerstone of crisis response, serving as the first point of contact for citizens in distress. Their role…

When TV saves lives: a teenager's lesson

A 14-year-old boy becomes a hero after saving a man from a heart attack thanks to acquired skills In an increasingly aware society of the importance of preparation in emergency situations, the story of a young boy who saved the life of a…

The fog that kills: smog in the Po Valley

An analysis of the latest data and impacts on public health from pollution The latest images provided by the Copernicus satellite network leave little room for interpretation: the Po Valley, a productive hub and the beating heart of the…

Dynamics of highway rescue in Italy

Detailed analysis of interventions in case of accidents on Italian highways Highway accidents represent one of the main challenges for road safety in Italy, requiring an effective and coordinated emergency response. This article explores…

AFP: a marker in early diagnosis

The Role of AFP in Modern Medicine Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is more than just a protein; it serves as a sentinel in the early diagnosis and monitoring of significant medical conditions. Primarily produced by the yolk sac and fetal liver…

Adriamycin: an ally against cancer

Hope in the Fight Against Illness Modern medicine has witnessed the introduction of numerous drugs aimed at combating cancer, among which Adriamycin stands out. Known scientifically as doxorubicin, this powerful chemotherapy agent…

Adenocarcinoma: the silent challenge

A Comprehensive Overview of the Most Common Cancer Adenocarcinoma poses one of the most complex challenges in the field of modern medicine. This type of cancer, originating from glandular cells in the body, manifests in vital organs such…

DNA: the molecule that revolutionized biology

A Journey Through the Discovery of Life The discovery of the structure of DNA stands as one of the most significant moments in the history of science, marking the beginning of a new era in understanding life at the molecular level. While…

Actinomycin D: a hope against cancer

Under the Spotlight: An Antibiotic Turned Chemotherapeutic Actinomycin D, also known as dactinomycin, stands as one of the oldest allies in the fight against cancer. Approved for medical use in the United States in 1964, this substance has…

The limbic system: the hidden director of our emotions

Exploring the Emotional Heart of the Human Brain The limbic system is a collection of intricately intertwined structures in the brain, acting as the hidden director of our emotions, memory, and survival instincts. This complex system not…

Journey through the history of diabetes

An investigation into the origins and evolution of diabetes treatment Diabetes, one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide, has a long and complex history dating back thousands of years. This article explores the origins of the disease,…

Discovering forensic science and disaster management

A Free Course for Professionals and Enthusiasts The European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC), in collaboration with prestigious institutions, announces the launch of the free online course "Forensic Science and Disaster Management"…

Airbus flies high: results and future prospects

A Record Year for the European Company Airbus, the European aerospace giant, closed the financial year of 2023 with record numbers, demonstrating the company's strength and resilience in a still complex global context. With 735 commercial…

A united front against cancer in children

Politicians, doctors, and experts mobilize on World Day Against Pediatric Cancer The reality of pediatric cancer Pediatric cancer represents a heterogeneous group of oncological diseases that affect children and adolescents. Unlike tumors…

Innovations in complex firefighting

The importance of fire-extinguishing foams and the Turin conference Complex fires and the challenge of extinguishment Complex fires pose a significant challenge for firefighters and safety officials. Their complexity stems not only from…

The invisible link: viruses and cancers

We explore how some viruses may be causing cancer diseases and what are the prevention strategies The Connection Between Viruses and Cancer Research has shown that some viruses, known as oncoviruses, can contribute to the development of…

SXSW Health and MedTech Track 2024: Innovation and Health

A must-attend event for healthcare and technology professionals and enthusiasts An Innovation Showcase The 2024 edition of the SXSW Health and MedTech Track emerges as an essential meeting point for those seeking the latest advancements…

Mosquitoes: small insects, big threats

A glance at mosquito-borne diseases impacting global health Invisible Threats Mosquitoes are among the most efficient vectors of infectious diseases worldwide. Their ability to spread viruses, parasites, and bacteria has a significant…

Journey through the world's rarest diseases

An exploration of the most unusual medical conditions that challenge modern science and medicine The Challenges of the Unknown Rare diseases affect a small percentage of the global population, yet together they represent a significant…

Antibiotic resistance: a growing danger

From medical practices to farming, here's how we can combat one of the most serious threats to public health Antibiotic resistance poses one of the most severe and complex health challenges of our time. This phenomenon, which renders…

Preparing for earthquakes: useful tips

From furniture anchoring to emergency planning, here's how to enhance seismic safety Recently, the province of Parma (Italy) witnessed a seismic swarm that raised concerns and highlighted the importance of emergency preparedness. Seismic…

Padel court rescue: the importance of defibrillators

A timely intervention emphasizing the value of preparation and adequate equipment in emergency situations The recent incident of a man saved from a medical emergency thanks to the swift action of a fellow player and the use of a…

Aflatoxin: what it is and why it is a threat

Understanding the origins, risks, and prevention strategies against the most dangerous mycotoxins Aflatoxins, mycotoxins produced by certain species of fungi, represent one of the most serious threats to global food safety and public…

Parma: seismic swarm worries the population

A Turbulent Awakening for the Heart of Emilia-Romagna The province of Parma (Italy), renowned for its rich food and wine culture and picturesque landscapes of the Apennines, is at the center of attention due to a series of seismic events…

Cardiac ablation: how to manage arrhythmias

When the Heart Loses its Rhythm: The Importance of Ablation Cardiac ablation stands today as one of the most advanced and effective techniques in treating cardiac arrhythmias, a range of disorders characterized by irregular heartbeats that…