Tragedy in Gaza: bombing near Red Cross headquarters

Another tragedy in Gaza: Israeli attack near Red Cross headquarters In the past few hours, an Israeli bombing near the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza has resulted in the deaths of at least 25 people. This latest episode of violence is part…

How Cruise Ships Handle Medical Emergencies

Medical Facilities and Specialized Personnel On Board Cruise ships are like floating cities equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities to handle any health emergency. Each ship has a medical center with hospital beds, diagnostic…

Mosquitoes: an insidious and deadly danger

Mosquitoes: Vectors of Deadly Diseases Mosquitoes are much more than a mere annoyance during summer or nighttime. They are carriers, or vectors, of some of the deadliest diseases for humanity. It is estimated that nearly 700 million people…

The Emergency Health System in the Amazon

Unique Context and Specific Challenges Due to its vast territory and dense rainforest, the Amazon presents unprecedented challenges for the emergency healthcare system. The area has a low population density, often accessible only by boat…

Medical pioneers: women physicians in antiquity

Historical Figures Who Broke Barriers and Left a Lasting Mark in Medicine Merit-Ptah: The First Female Physician Merit-Ptah is often mentioned as the first female physician known by name in history. She lived around 2700 BC in ancient…

Innovation in Emergency: The SEUAM Project

A Revolution in Cardiac Emergency Aerospace is proving to be an unexpected ally in the fight against sudden cardiac arrest. Thanks to the experimental project SEUAM (Sanitary Emergency Urban Air Mobility), developed by SIS118 in…

World Multiple Sclerosis Day

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis: Understanding the Disease Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease in which the immune system attacks nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. MS affects the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers,…

MIP-C: a new disease related to COVID-19

A significant discovery for global health A new disease has been discovered and named MIP-C (MDA5 autoimmunity and concurrent interstitial pneumonia with Covid-19). The research leading to this finding was conducted by an international…

Understanding leukemia: types and treatments

An in-depth look at the causes, classification, and treatment options of leukemia What is Leukemia? Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells that begins in the bone marrow. It occurs when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, outnumbering…

Sleep: A Fundamental Pillar of Health

A study reveals the deep implications of sleep on human health Sleep is not just a period of passive rest, but a vital process that profoundly influences both physical and mental well-being. Cutting-edge research highlights the crucial…

Tragedy at Bargi Hydroelectric Power Plant

An incident with few precedents: a violent explosion devastates the Bargi hydroelectric plant A catastrophic event struck the Bargi (Italy) hydroelectric plant on Tuesday, April 9, around 2:30 p.m. An explosion of a turbine on the eighth…

Taiwan: strongest earthquake in 25 years

Taiwan grappling with the aftermath of the quake: casualties, missing persons, and destruction after the devastating earthquake A morning marked by terror On April 3, 2024, Taiwan faced the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in a…

New findings from Italy against Hurler syndrome

New important medical discoveries to combat Hurler syndrome What is Hurler syndrome One of the rarest diseases that can occur in children is Hurler syndrome, technically known as "mucopolysaccharidosis type 1H". This rare disease affects…

Near tragedy on Monte Rosa: 118 helicopter crashes

A drama that fortunately did not turn into a tragedy This is the summary of the incident that occurred on the afternoon of Saturday, March 16th on the Alagna side of Monte Rosa, where a rescue helicopter from the 118 service crashed after…

In-flight first aid: how airlines respond

A guide on what happens when an airborne medical emergency occurs Ground medical resources and management of airborne emergencies Airlines, while not mandated by the FAA to consult with ground medical support during an emergency, often…

Hildegard of Bingen: pioneer of medieval medicine

An Legacy of Knowledge and Care Hildegard of Bingen, an eminent figure of the Middle Ages, left an indelible mark in the field of natural sciences with an encyclopedic treatise encompassing the medical and botanical knowledge of the time.…

Medieval medicine: between empiricism and faith

A foray into the practices and beliefs of medicine in medieval Europe Ancient roots and medieval practices Medicine in medieval Europe represented a blend of ancient knowledge, diverse cultural influences, and pragmatic innovations.…

Valuing foreign doctors: a resource for Italy

The Amsi urges the recognition and integration of international healthcare professionals The Association of Foreign Doctors in Italy (Amsi), led by Prof. Foad Aodi, has highlighted the crucial importance of valorizing and integrating…

Assault on 118 operators: a safety alert

Violence Episode in Rome Raises Alarm on Emergency Personnel Protection The Incident: An Unexpected Attack On the evening of January 4th, in Rome, at the Via Candoni nomad camp, the staff of a 118 ambulance was…

The Dawn of First Aid: A Historical Journey

From Ancient Battles to Modern Rescue Techniques Ancient Origins and Developments in War The roots of first aid are deeply intertwined with history, closely linked to wartime contexts. The earliest traces of practices resembling first aid…

2023 Ski Season: Alpine Rescue and Accident Prevention

From physical preparation to prevention of major accidents Intensive Preparation for the Ski Season With the arrival of the 2023 ski season, the italian National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps (CNSAS) is engaged in intensive…