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All you need to know about ambulances, fast medical response cars, and emergency vehicles. News, preparations, equipment, characteristics, problems, warts and benefits of EMS cars and trucks.
Trends and Characteristics of Emergency Medical Services in Italy: A scientific article in…
Emergency medical services, EMS in the Anglo-Saxon world and 118 services in Italy, are the subject of an interesting study conducted by researchers in Turin and published in the journal Healthcare
Emergency Bike, when the "ambulance bike" can solve particular aspects of emergency rescue
Emergency Bike is the project that the French ecological mobility company Ecox Enterprises has developed with the contribution of Urgences Medicales de Paris, the cargo bike manufacturer Urban Arrow, and the technology consulting company…
Germany, Hanover Fire Brigade test fully electric ambulance
Hanover, a fully electric ambulance goes into service: the German fire brigade on duty in the capital city of Lower Saxony tests it.
Shortening Ambulance Response Time Increases Survival in Out‐of‐Hospital Cardiac Arrest: a study…
The more or less rapid arrival of an ambulance in the event of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest significantly affects the outcome of an OHCA cardiac arrest.
COVID-19 emergency in France, the Haute Autorité de santé ( HAS ) guidelines for SAMU rescuers
In France, as in Italy, COVID-19 has meant a surge in rescue operations and ambulance transport missions. Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), a counterpart in part of our Istituto Superiore di Sanità, has issued guidelines for rescuers and…
Incidence and outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the COVID-19 era: A systematic review…
The impact of COVID-19 on pre-hospital and hospital services and hence on the prevalence and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) remain unclear. The review aimed to evaluate the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the…
First electric ambulance in the UK: the launch of the West Midlands Ambulance Service
Aiming to reduce pollution and the impact on the environment, the West Midlands Ambulance Service launched the first completely electric ambulance in the UK.
Staff disrespected in the East of England Ambulance Service: the reprimand of the CQC
According to an inquiry by the Care Quality Commission, the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust staff seems to have many cases of bullying, probably due to its poor leadership.
Alcohol party in ambulance at a COVID-19 hospital: six responders arrested
Police arrested six ambulance workers after they organized an alcohol party on the emergency vehicle of a COVID-19 hospital.
India is projecting air ambulance with a COVID-19 pod
In India, the idea of helipads to welcome an air ambulance with a COVID-19 pod have been launched a couple of years ago. Now it's reality.