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All you need to know about ambulances, fast medical response cars, and emergency vehicles. News, preparations, equipment, characteristics, problems, warts and benefits of EMS cars and trucks.
SurvivER: a new ambulance prototype for 2030
Charles Bombardier, a Canadian designer, realized the drafts of a new ambulance prototype for 2030. New concepts of spaces and functions.
NHS asks for harsher sentences for who assaults ambulances and emergency workers
North East Ambulance Service sends a letter to the UK Ministry of Justice to ask for tougher sentences for who attacks ambulances and emergency workes, like paramedics.
A new ambulance green corridor to deliver plasma in times of COVID-19
The need for plasma if very frequent during COVID-19 pandemic since it is needed not only for common interventions but also for coronavirus patients. Speed is essential and a dedicated green corridor can help India improving its outcomes.
COVID-19 in Asia, the prompt response of Malaysian healthcare system. The interview with Dr Azhar…
Malaysia was one of the Southeastern Asian countries which quickly responded to COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic with powerful measures. During an interview with the Hospital Coordinator for the Malaysian Ministry of Health and Chair of St…
NHS in Andhra Pradesh: a fleet of over 1,000 new ambulances landed in India
The first international partnership of NHS in India. The South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) helped the UK to support the fight against COVID-19 and other diseases in India by donating 1,000 new ambulances.
Prehospital Airway Management: systematic review protocol
Last year the US Department of Health launched the possibility to healthcare workers and scientific community members to comment and leave questions on how to improve prehospital airway management. Here is the systematic review issued in…
Crazy ambulance charges in India: COVID patients delivery costs more than a flight
Many people in India are facing a widespread plague: the growth of ambulance charges. It seems that many ambulance drivers are setting very high fees to COVID patients' families. But in some states, also "normal" patients are experiencing…
Deaths on ambulances: could internet reduce traffic jam when ambulance arrives?
Big cities in the world fight with the same problem: the traffic jam. Tied to this topic, cities in India and in many other developing countries have to face a high number of deaths on the ambulances. Maybe internet technology could help to…
During a pandemic, do paramedics have to work? Community still expects an ambulance
What are community expectations on ambulance services when a pandemic strikes? When all the business and recreational activities are suspended, do paramedics have the professional obligation to work? A study of the New Edith Cowan…
Does Uganda have an EMS? A study discusses the ambulance equipment and trained professionals lack
The Makerere University, School of Public Health carried out a specific survey on the state of EMS and acute health facility care in Uganda. They found out that at the sub-national level, there mainly was a lack of ambulance equipment, like…