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Read the reviews, opinions and technical sheet about the essential devices for rescue operations. Emergency Live will describe technologies, services, and equipment for ambulance rescue, HEMS, mountain operations and hostile situation, for preventing dangers in complex scenarios.
What Is EMS Strong?
What matters more – the stuff on the outside of a uniform, or the stuff on the inside? KNOW MORE ABOUT EMS STRONG
Next time you’re getting dressed for work, take an extra moment for a good look in the mirror. What — and whom — do you see…
An accident in heavy traffic. How to optimise emergency assistance while coping with chaos
How is it best to deal with chaos and avoid every possible complication while in the operational phase? The first rule is to have your kit in order, so as not to end up searching for things at the height of an emergency. Being ready in…
New technology: Glove for stroke patients
NEW YORK, WCAX - New technology is giving stroke patients more options. The new Food and Drug Administration approved device is keeping patients on the road to recovery. Stroke survivor Janet Johnson says she wasn't seeing results after…
Tim Riecker's Best Practices for the New Year
Tim's Thoughts on Emergency Management, Homeland Security, and Training
Situation reports or SitReps have a great deal of importance in conveying information on an incident or event to a variety of stakeholders. Having worked for many…
Splint: How to make it?
How to immobilize a fracture in an emergency situation? You could use a lot of things but just 1 procedure. Thanks to James Hubbard, M.D., M.P.H. you could know how to make asplint, for your neck or an extremity, and stabilize it until the…
Deciding on ePCR Software, the NASEMSO guidelines
Developed with input from state data managers across the country, the purpose of this guide is to help EMS agencies make educated decisions when choosing an electronic patient care reporting (ePCR) vendor.
Do Your Homework
Research Your…
Tourniquets saves lifes? Maybe
FROM EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS - It is an atypical Saturday in your busy Level One trauma center as, fortunately, the knife and gun club seems to be taking the day off. You’ve just gotten a quick bite to eat when you hear the radio go off. EMS…
Your Health Record could be shared as a Facebook status?
FROM NPR SHOTS - Surely I'm not the only person who has gone to the orthopedist figuring that the radiologist sent over the MRI, only to find out that I was supposed to have asked for a CD and a paper copy of the report. Really? That is so…
Too many things to remember? Let your iPhone help you!
“Do not forget your pills” is the new handy calendar and reminder system for pills and medicines of the entire family.
Imagine it's winter time: you are on antibiotics and your kid needs vitamins. Or maybe it's summer and you have to do a…
Why do you need airbag protection during rescue?
Today’s vehicles pose many risks for First Responders. For rist, unexploded airbag could seriously injury firefighters or paramedics. This manufactures are installed in multiple parts of the chassis. We must to remember that frontal airbag…