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Read the reviews, opinions and technical sheet about the essential devices for rescue operations. Emergency Live will describe technologies, services, and equipment for ambulance rescue, HEMS, mountain operations and hostile situation, for preventing dangers in complex scenarios.

The Vortex airway checklist

The Vortex is a “high stakes cognitive aid” - simple enough to be recalled in a crisis and flexible enough to be used in any context. Our philosophy is to train staff for management of the unanticipated difficult airway in the same manner…

Weil Mini Chest, an automatic way for CPR

The Weil Mini Chest Compressor is a pneumatically driven piston device that provides the optimal 100 chest compressions per minute with 2 inches in depth. Once securely in place, the Weil Mini provides consistent rhythm resulting in…

smaccGOLD, a lesson about Timing, Tribes and STEMIs

The over-arching theme of smaccGOLD was the bringing together of people from all facets of critical care to share ideas, collaborate, learn from one another and understand each other. Victoria Brazil (@SocraticEM) kicked off the conference…

Surgical Airway by Dr Rob Bryant

By Rob Bryant MDFOR THE SLIDES INCIDENCE: 1:200 AIRWAYSWHO: Anticipate need for cricothyrotomy in any patient, especially in patients with a predicted difficult airway.CricCon scoring system (unvalidated) is helpful to guide level of…

Police and EMS Turn to Social Media

(MASHABLE) - Lieutenant Chris Bolton of the Oakland Police Department was skeptical of social media in 2011. As the Chief of Staff for Oakland's Chief of Police and a 13-year-vet at the time, he didn't see the benefits of having a…