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Read the reviews, opinions and technical sheet about the essential devices for rescue operations. Emergency Live will describe technologies, services, and equipment for ambulance rescue, HEMS, mountain operations and hostile situation, for preventing dangers in complex scenarios.
Rescue in the days of the Ipad. The importance of digital, a valuable ally in last autumn's battle…
Last year Hurricane Sandy terrified and caused massive upheaval throughout the US for days on end. When faced by such a powerful natural phenomenon, once all possible precautions have been taken, what can you do except grit your teeth and…
Ferno Vision Program 2020, a way of looking through the future of the emergency world
Ferno Vision Program 2020, the event that was held recently in the USA about the future of emergency services. The discussion was interesting, passionate and concentrated on the challenging needs of users and workers in the sector. The…
From Apple a valuable app dedicated to pediatric emergencies
It is called Pediatric Support and is downloadable from the Apple Store. This application is aimed at paramedics. By keying in the age and weight of the child needing treatment, it immediately and automatically shows calculations that can…
No more "portyanki". After 5 centuries, the Russian army renew the equipment of their soldiers
No more foot wraps for the Russian army. This is what Sergey Shoygu, Russian Ministry of Defence, has said during an official press release in the last few days. From now on, the Russian army will be allowed to wear "regular socks" instead…