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Health and Safety

Safety is the first pillar of a good life for emergency professionals, rescuers and Fire Fighters. We are operating in a complex and hard environment. Risk prevention and improving working conditions are fundamental for better health and life.


Italy tops in Europe for Cancer Survival

Excellence in Cancer Treatment, But Waiting Times Need Improvement Italy is the undisputed leader in Europe for the number of women surviving cancer: nearly two million women live after a cancer diagnosis, more than in any other country on…

The Importance of First Aid Training

How First Aid Training Saves Lives and Enhances Safety Training in first aid is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals in emergency situations. This type of training not only equips individuals with the skills to…

Rescue Drones: Technological Revolution

How Drones Are Transforming Search and Rescue Operations The development of drone technologies has brought about a change in search and rescue operations. Devices have been equipped with advanced technologies: expanding thermal cameras…

Prostate cancer: prevention and health

Discover How Daily Choices Can Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk and Improve Men's Health A Growing Men's Health Issue Prostate cancer is a significant health problem for men. Doctors anticipate over 40,000 new cases in Italy this year. The…

Exploring the Different Shapes of Ambulances

A World of Variety for Every Emergency Ambulances, vital vehicles for emergency medical transport, come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, designed to meet the diverse needs of both patients and emergencies. From standard ambulances to…

MIP-C: a new disease related to COVID-19

A significant discovery for global health A new disease has been discovered and named MIP-C (MDA5 autoimmunity and concurrent interstitial pneumonia with Covid-19). The research leading to this finding was conducted by an international…