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Health and Safety

Safety is the first pillar of a good life for emergency professionals, rescuers and Fire Fighters. We are operating in a complex and hard environment. Risk prevention and improving working conditions are fundamental for better health and life.


Prostate cancer: prevention and health

Discover How Daily Choices Can Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk and Improve Men's Health A Growing Men's Health Issue Prostate cancer is a significant health problem for men. Doctors anticipate over 40,000 new cases in Italy this year. The…

Exploring the Different Shapes of Ambulances

A World of Variety for Every Emergency Ambulances, vital vehicles for emergency medical transport, come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, designed to meet the diverse needs of both patients and emergencies. From standard ambulances to…

MIP-C: a new disease related to COVID-19

A significant discovery for global health A new disease has been discovered and named MIP-C (MDA5 autoimmunity and concurrent interstitial pneumonia with Covid-19). The research leading to this finding was conducted by an international…

Sleep: A Fundamental Pillar of Health

A study reveals the deep implications of sleep on human health Sleep is not just a period of passive rest, but a vital process that profoundly influences both physical and mental well-being. Cutting-edge research highlights the crucial…

Microplastics and fertility: a new threat

An innovative study has uncovered an alarming threat: the presence of microplastics in the ovarian follicular fluids of women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) This research, led by Luigi Montano and a multidisciplinary…