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The latest from the manufacturer about the ambulance equipment, health technologies, dispatch services, medical devices, and products for rescue. Suggestions about innovations in safety, efficiency, and resiliency of your rescue teams.
Vertiia: AMSL Aero partners with CareFlight for medical air transport of critical patients
Australian aerospace company AMSL Aero and critical care air medical retrieval service CareFlight have used their partnership to fit out Vertiia with a medical cabin
Estonia first country for LifeSaver, the emergency medical response programme of Airbus and…
Airbus Helicopters and International SOS join forces to launch a programme to improve next-generation emergency medical systems
Denmark, Falck launches its first electric ambulance: debut in Copenhagen
On 28 February 2023, Falck’s first electric ambulance will leave the station in Copenhagen, Denmark
Vacuum splint: Explaining the Spencer Res-Q-Splint Kit And How To Use It
The vacuum splint is a device which resembles a vacuum mattress of reduced dimensions, it is used in emergency medicine for the immobilisation of traumatised limbs and as a temporary splint
Coulson Aviation provides aerial firefighting support to Argentina through Canadian Commercial…
Coulson Aviation announced that it is providing aerial firefighting support services to Argentina via a CDN $6.8 million dollar government to government (G2G) contract between the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) and Argentina’s…
Madrid Selects Allison-Equipped Renault Trucks to Renew Fire Department Fleet
The Madrid Fire Department took delivery of 13 Renault Trucks equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions at a ceremony attended by the mayor
Fast and effective dialogue between the ambulance and the Operations Centre: the excellence of…
Medical transport has evolved, and has benefited significantly from the technological innovation that has characterized the last twenty years
UK, transport of essential medical supplies: drone trial launched in Northumbria
Northumbria, key milestone for trail-blazing medical drones project as test flights start
MAN donates € 1 million for earthquake victims
MAN, Commercial vehicle manufacturer provides money for relief supplies, emergency vehicles, transports and other support - diverse activities in and outside Turkey
"Aviation Psychology: areas of intervention and perspectives", first ITAPA conference on 6 May in…
"Aviation Psychology: areas of intervention and perspectives" is the theme of the first national conference organized by the Italian Association of Aviation Psychology (ITAPA)