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The latest from the manufacturer about the ambulance equipment, health technologies, dispatch services, medical devices, and products for rescue. Suggestions about innovations in safety, efficiency, and resiliency of your rescue teams.
REAS 2022, focus on Civil Defence health support in Ukraine: 232 patients transported to Italy in 7…
Health Support for Ukraine, at REAS 2022 on Saturday 8 a conference with the Head of the Civil Protection Department Curcio and Ukrainian Consul Kartysh
REAS 2022: The Special PDF dedicated to the fair is online
This year, on the occasion of the 21st International Emergency Exhibition, Emergency Live launches a special edition dedicated to the fair
Drones in emergencies, 2nd national conference at Reas 2022: focus on search and rescue missions
Drones again protagonists at 'REAS 2022', the twenty-first edition of the International Emergency Exhibition to be held from 7 to 9 October at the Montichiari (Brescia) Exhibition Centre
REAS 2022: Sinora's technological innovations on emergency management
Sinora S.r. l awaits you from 7 to 9 Octoberand at REAS 2022, Centro Fiera Montichiari (BS), Hall 5, Stand C36-D35: among the novelties a System Integrator for emergency management
REAS 2022: the news that ZOLL Medical will present
ZOLL Medical will participate, also this year, at REAS 2022: medical devices, and not only on Stand B30 - C29 in Hall 5 of the Montichiari fair
Focaccia Group at REAS 2022: the new sanitization system for the ambulances
Focaccia Group enters, with FG MICRO H2O2, in the world of emergency and awaits you at REAS in Hall 5 Stand C30-E29 | C24-E23
Fire prevention: Hikvision presents the Automation thermographic line
Hikvision presents, at Safety Expo, Automation radiometric thermal cameras for fire prevention and safety
Reas 2022, focus on relief for Ukraine and the Forest Fire Campaign
REAS 2022, the international exhibition will be held from 7 to 9 October at the Montichiari (Bs) Exhibition Centre: significant growth in exhibitors, exhibition area and conferences and side events
New Edition of "Il cuore di Firenze", world of rescue protagonist: Misericordie and Mariani Fratelli…
Mariani Fratelli among the supporters of "Il cuore di Firenze", the solidarity event that this year has given a precious help to minors fleeing from Ukraine
Fotokite tethered drones: a synonym of safety for big events
At the Zurich Street Parade Festival, the Fotokite drones, with a bird eye view of the crowd, guaranteed the safety of 900,000 people