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The latest from the manufacturer about the ambulance equipment, health technologies, dispatch services, medical devices, and products for rescue. Suggestions about innovations in safety, efficiency, and resiliency of your rescue teams.

Airbus flies high: results and future prospects

A Record Year for the European Company Airbus, the European aerospace giant, closed the financial year of 2023 with record numbers, demonstrating the company's strength and resilience in a still complex global context. With 735 commercial…

Disasters Expo USA

March 6th & 7th, 2024 - Miami Beach Convention Center Emergency Live is proud to partner with Disasters Expo USA this year! The global event for mitigating the world’s most costly disasters is coming to the Miami Beach Convention…

AI-Supervised Medical Delivery Drones in Livorno

Advanced Technology for Medical Material Transport: The Future of Hospital Rescues Modern technology continues to redefine the healthcare sector, and a shining example of this progress is the recent medical delivery drone project at…

Focaccia Group presents the new ambulance "Futura"

Research, innovation, and design for a new approach in healthcare vehicles One of the most significant innovations in recent weeks for the world of ambulances had its first stage at REAS, the Montichiari Emergency Salon. It is "Futura,"…