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News report about rescue, ambulance services, safety, and emergencies around the world. The information that volunteers, EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Doctors, technicians and Fire Fighters are in need for creating the most significant community ever in the EMS field.

Stockholm, truck drives into crowds

Stockholm, truck drives into crowds in central killing two people A truck has driven through crowds on a shopping street in Stockholm and crashed into a department store, killing two people and injuring others. The…

Peru: 18 thousand families submerged by the flood

From the beginning of the year torrential rains don’t give respite to Peru; it continues to rain and the situation does not seem to improve, in some locations itrecords up to 200-250 mm of rain, and in the proximity of mountains it reaches…

Storm Barbara, expected on Friday in UK

After recent relatively quiet and dry conditions, much more unsettled weather is heading our way in the lead-up to Christmas with the second named storm of the season, Storm Barbara, expected on Friday. As many plan festive visits to…