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News report about rescue, ambulance services, safety, and emergencies around the world. The information that volunteers, EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Doctors, technicians and Fire Fighters are in need for creating the most significant community ever in the EMS field.

Future of Health, the NHS ideas about patients and carers

On the eve of the 2014 Future of Health Conference, NHS England’s Director for People with Long Term Conditions, Dr Martin McShane, explains why empowering patients is vital: "I was speaking at a conference last week and was introduced to…

Ebola outbreak: $5.7m pledged for blood plasma trials

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged $5.7m towards a programme to increase production of experimental Ebola treatments in Guinea and other affected countries. The programme will focus on treatments derived from the blood of…

Pediatric Procedural Sedation with Ketamine

The EM blogosphere has been abuzz with talk of ketamine the past week or so. We stated in the 4th LITFL Review that “an irrational fear of ketamine’s “bite” makes it  one of the most under-rated drugs in the ED doc’s arsenal.” Emergency…

Ebola outbreak: British nurse back to help after recovery

The British nurse who has returned to Sierra Leone after recovering from Ebola has told the BBC he is "frustrated" by the "woefully slow" international response to the outbreak. William Pooley is back at the heart of the crisis, treating…

The 2014 NHS Number Survey Report

The ability to provide safe, urgent and integrated care is fundamental to the future delivery of the health and social care system. We need information to follow the patient along their pathway, so clinicians and patients can have access to…

Liberia will not extend the State of Emergency

The decision after the progress Liberia have gained fighting the outbreak. Liberia will fight against the virus until it will be finally eradicated from the country Since March of this year, our nation has been stricken by an unprecedented…

Ebola outbreak: MSF to start West Africa clinical trials

Clinical trials to try to find an effective treatment for Ebola patients are to start in West Africa next month. The medical charity Medicins Sans Frontieres, which has been helping lead the fight against the virus, says three of its…

Ebola outbreak: MSF says new Liberia tactics needed

New rapid response tactics are needed to defeat the Ebola virus in Liberia, according to the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). More than 6,600 people have been infected in the country, but figures suggest the number of new infections…

Ebola, positive patient in Belfast

Test results due on Belfast hospital patient. The patient has been isolated at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. BBC.COM - The Public Health Agency (PHA) has said it is waiting for results of an Ebola test for a patient in a Belfast…