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News report about rescue, ambulance services, safety, and emergencies around the world. The information that volunteers, EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Doctors, technicians and Fire Fighters are in need for creating the most significant community ever in the EMS field.

Eruption of Mount Ontake, 48 body recovered, LIVE NEWS

On Mount Ontake, the only warning hikers received on Saturday was a loud boom, “like thunder,” minutes before a massive ashcloud overtook the mountain. Firefighters and members of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces conduct a rescue operation at an…

VERMAC: Coconut for treatment in burn injuries

A newly developed burn dressing gives patients a lower cost option to complete their treatment A newly developed wound dressing composed of coconut based cellulose and monolaurin for the first aid and treatment of burn injuries. The idea…

First Ebola case diagnosed in US confirmed

The United States has its first confirmed case of the Ebola virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday, marking the first domestic appearance of the deadly virus that has ravaged swaths of continental Africa. The…

Red Cross opens Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone

Freetown, 15 September 2014 - The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has opened its first Ebola treatment centre in Kenema, Sierra Leone, one of the districts worst affected by the deadly outbreak. “This…