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News report about rescue, ambulance services, safety, and emergencies around the world. The information that volunteers, EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Doctors, technicians and Fire Fighters are in need for creating the most significant community ever in the EMS field.

7 Indonesian workers killed by landslip in Papau

A disaster occurred in the mining region of the Baya Biru Paniai on July 1 at 11 pm. 7 mine workers die in a landslide and other 6 are trapped under the involved building, Papua Police Chief Insp. Gen. Tito Karnavian told in a press…

London could be the world's first dementia friendly city

Parliamentarians from across the capital and beyond are meeting with NHS England (London) dementia experts to pledge to transform London into the world’s first dementia friendly city. More than 40 MPs and decisions makers will join Eileen…

Tropical Storm Arthur is about 90 miles east of Florida

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — With the July Fourth weekend on the horizon, the Atlantic hurricane season's first named storm plodded off Florida's coast early Wednesday, though Tropical Storm Arthur wasn't yet spooking too many in the storm's…

A Cargo Plane Crashes in Nairobi After Takeoff

A cargo plane transporting a mild stimulant known as Khat shortly after takeoff crashed at the international airport in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. Four people dead, a police official said. The Fokker 50 aircraft transporting the mild…

Villagers spooked by Penang JE case

A  boy in Kampung Selamat contract Japanese Enchephalitis. Residents said they had been putting up with a strong stench and polluted waterways, believed to be from nearby piggeries, for the past 20 years. They had protested, asking for…

Bulgarian flash floods, EU's volounteers in action

Bulgarian people is in state of emergency after the flash floods that hitted the Country in the last days. The volounteers and the paramedic's forces are at work to rescue and assist the people, and to find the victims, who are at least 10.…