Africa, Unesco's map on the situation after the last Cyclone
UNESCO and the Indian Ocean Commission sent experts from 16 to 18 April to assess the cracked soil and landslide in Anjouan, following rains from Tropical Cyclone Hellen and an earlier 4.8 magnitude earthquake on 12 March 2014. Both experts recommended that in some parts of the village La Mahale, displaced people can return to their homes, but not to all parts of the village.
The DGSC is in the process of returning some displaced people to the villages this week and is in contact with the Government to allocate plots to settle those with houses at risk of landslide. UNDP is finalizing the deployment of a team of geophysicists from Madagascar to carry out a thorough analysis of the situation. The Directorate general of Civil Protection with the UN and PIROI/Red Crescent Society are responding to the needs of the displaced people in Anjouan. The Ministry of Public Work has opened another road to access the isolated villages.
Tanzania experienced heavy rainfall from 10 to 13 April. The flood left 19 casualties, 465 displaced families and 20,000 people affected. The displaced people are hosted by relatives and friends. Many bridges connecting the city of Dar-es-salaam and regions were damaged or destroyed.
The cholera outbreak on the outskirts of Windhoek continues. As of 17 April, a cumulative total of 66 suspected cases have been reported with 5 cases confirmed. The number of deaths remains unchanged at 02. The Cholera Treatment Centre is still being established.
New Prime Minister Roger Kolo announced his new government on 18 April. The new cabinet is mainly composed of politicians who previously backed Transition President Andry Rajoelina, however the Mouvance Ravalomamana too joined the new government, winning the same agriculture portfolio it had previously