Bangkok - 7th Regional Training Course on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into National Development Process
This course will take place in Bangkok, Thailand from 23rd to 27th May 2016
Lessons will be focused on the causes of disaster risks and how to avoid or reduce these risks.
This course is addressed to government officials, development partners and stakeholders, who are the main figures who are involved in the development management.
This course aims to increase their awareness of how important is to consider territorial development planning carefully.
Development Risk Reduction (DRR) is the basis of a successful development, that is why this course’s purposes are: increasing the awareness on how DRR is essential for people and the territory and providing a platform for sharing and discussing about disaster reduction in development.
Lessons will be divided into three modules:
– Module 1 will introduce the DRR;
– Module 2 will be focused on DRR into planning processes of development;
– Module 3 will empower environment for mainstreaming.
You can afford two kinds of package:
– USD 2,000: package A with accommodation (it comprehends the course, training materials, single accommodation for 6 nights with breakfast, refreshments during two breaks and lunch daily during the training and study visit).
– USD 1,575: package B without accommodation.
There is a limited number of seats, so interested participants are requested to fill in the application at www.adpc.net/apply by 24 April 2016.
Read more on http://www.preventionweb.net/events/view/46707