Canada - Canadian risk and hazards network (CRHNet) Annual Symposium 2016
MAIN ORGANIZER(S): Canadian Risk and Hazards Network
From 23rd to 25th November 2016, Montréal, Canada will host the Canadian risk and hazards network (CRHNet) Annual Symposium 2016
Inspiring Resilience
At a time when governments are challenged to pursue a wide array of diversified short term and long term priorities, disasters appear as marginal occurrences. However, everyday, disaster risks impose on Canadians a heavier burden. From prevention and mitigation requirements to significant investments in recovery efforts, disasters remain part of our daily reality.The goal of disaster resilience belongs to the society at large. The traditional approach of government programs and plans implementation seems to be reaching its achievement limits. It is now the time to revisit current approachs and consider empowering every component of civil society to contribute to disaster resilience. Beyond the call for a shared responsibility, everyone possesses assets for disaster resilience, and more importantly, everyone deserves a share of the benefits in making Canada a disaster resilient country.
This CRHNet symposium wishes to explore paths toward empowering Canadian civil society into disaster resilience. It is now time to look at intrinsic motivations and distributed benefits, rather than relying only on legislation, program and funding as the primary instruments to achieve disaster resilience.
Call for Sessions, Presentations and Posters
CRHNet calls for session, presentation and poster proposals from researchers and practitioners to inspire the Canadian disaster risk reduction community on informative, creative, innovative and proven means to achieve success. Your special session defines a particular theme and would host relevant presentations and posters. CRHNet will give prominence to posters during the symposium.
Symposium Tracks
- Vulnerability awareness and reduction
- Societal mobilisation, incentives and controls
- Disaster Resilience in Indigenous Communities
- Collaborative and developmental initiatives
- Disaster rescue, response and recovery
- Recording and measuring success
- Session proposal submission deadline: June 1, 2016
- Presentation and poster submission deadline: August 28, 2016
- Response to presenters: September 9, 2016
- Paper and Presentation submission deadline: November 11, 2016
Visit the event website