Disaster reduction in the Kyrgyz Republic: how to build a national platform
Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic
The strategic directions on strengthening National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction are intended for use by all stakeholders as a guiding document or manual, which proposes a list of rational options of organizational and practical actions that aim at strengthening the capacity, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of national platforms for disaster risk reduction.
The given “Strategic directions on enhancing National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction” developed:
- by referring to experience of collaboration of the National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction of Germany and Kyrgyzstan, implemented during the period 2014- 2015 within the framework of the joint project: “National platform for DRR and stakeholder in Kyrgyz Republic: enhancing capacity and contribute to sustainable development through coordination and cooperation”;
- by referring to the strategic recommendations provided by stakeholders and partner organizations that contribute to DRR in Kyrgyzstan: Local authorities and national government agencies, Non- Governmental Organizations (NGO), Academic institutions, humanitarian organizations , foundations;
- in line with the priorities for action of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) (2015-2030).
[document url=”http://www.preventionweb.net/files/47607_47607strategicdirectionsstrengtheni.pdf” width=”600″ height=”700″]