Emergency Expo, the Regional Coordination of Civil Protection of Piedmont will also be there: this is what the stand will look like

Emergency Expo, the online fair dedicated to Emergency and Relief set up by Roberts (publisher of Emergency Live), welcomes with joy the presence of the Regional Coordination of Civil Protection of Piedmont

It is almost superfluous to underline how much the Civil Protection organisations are fond of a newspaper and a fair dedicated to the themes of emergencies and, in this, an important region like Piedmont is an important presence and source of satisfaction.

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The importance of Civil Protection in the Emergency Expo online fair

The Civil Protection, we write for our readers who are not familiar with the specific subject, is the set of activities thought to protect the integrity of life, property, settlements, animals and the environment from the consequences of calamitous events.

In Piedmont, as in the rest of Italy, civil protection is not a task assigned to a single administration but is a function attributed to a complex system.

In the stand we are setting up, there will be explanatory videos, graphics illustrating the main operational procedures, and also some tutorials on the measures to be taken by citizens suddenly involved in natural disasters or maxi-emergencies.

The stand comes in a very special year for Piedmont’s Civil Protection, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2021.

And one year after an emergency of epoch-making proportions caused by COVID-19.

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