Italy - RISC-KIT Summer School on Disaster Risk Reduction in Coastal Areas
The first RISC-KIT Summer School will take place at Università Degli Studi Di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy from 12th to 16th September 2016
Lectures which will be provided, will be focused on how to assess coastal risk, identify coastal hotspots and find applicable DRR solutions.
The course will be structured in the following way:
– Day 1: Introduction to the RISC-KIT toolbox Coastal Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF). The first purpose of CRAF is to understand how to identify hotspots along a coastline;
– Day 2: CRAF’s second aim is to deepen the knowledge of hotspots on a smaller regional scale;
– Day 3: Introduction for the RISC-KIT Web-based Managment Guide;
– Day 4: Visit to Porto Garibaldi-Bellocchio on the Italian Adriatic coast;
– Day 5: Applying RISC-KIT tools to assess coastal flood impacts, vulnerability and resilience of the Porto Garibaldi-Bellocchio field site.
Lectures will be hold by experts in coastal engineering, coastal management and social science, such as Dr. Christophe Viavettene from Middlesex University in UK, Dr. Grit Martinez from Ecologic Institute in Germany, Dr. Paolo Ciavola from University of Ferrara in Italy, Dr. Ap van Dongeren from Deltares in Netherlands.
This course is addressed to PhD students and early career researchers. The course will have practical and theoretical components including a field trip to Porto-Garibaldi-Bellocchio.