Kyoto, Kobe and Sasayama - International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2016
Japan will host a long training course on Disaster Risk Management of cultural heritage in three different cities: Kyoto, Kobe and Sasayama from 10th to 26th September 2016
Indeed, heritage sites located in hot spots of the world are exposed to a high level of risk. Floods, cyclones, typhoons and storm surges can cause them serious damages and the frequency of disasters caused by hydro-meteorological events do not help their conservation.
Not only urban cultural heritages are in danger, but also those ones located in forested areas, thinking also about the loss of natural beauties. Inundations and wild fires can put these places on risk. These sort of hazards have also a great impact on human beings and their safety.
The main purpose now-a-days is to organize mitigation and adaptation strategies in order to reduce risks. It occurs to keep into consideration heritage values. It is also important to bear in mind how important and vulnerable cultural heritages are.
That is why this course gives special focus on the Protecting cultural heritage from climate change induces disaster risks.
As for the main topics on which this training course will be focused on, they will be:
• Starting of an integrated risk assessment of cultural heritage;
• Building of an integrated system for disaster risk management of cultural heritage, incorporating mitigation, adaptation, preparedness, response and recovery measures;
• Formulation of risk management plans for cultural heritage that correspond to the urban and regional disaster management plans and policies; and
• Establishment of an international scientific support network for risk management of cultural heritage in order to build the institutional capacity needed to formulate comprehensive risk management plans that are based on the characteristics of cultural heritage and nature of hazards in the regional and national context.
Lectures will be addressed especially to Heritage Professionals, Disaster Risk Management Professionals, Urban Practitioners, Administrators and Policy Makers, Non-Governmental Organizations and Post Graduate Researchers.