Red Cross and Red Crescent week - When love and dedication carry you to succeed

6th and 12th of May is the Red Cross and Red Crescent week, which gains even more importance in 2019, while this is the hundredth anniversary of the organization.

The week is timed to tie in with World IFRC day which is celebrated on the 8th May every year.

Red Cross Week is a week in which to celebrate the charitable work of the IFRC and also an opportunity to get involved in fundraising and help people in Crisis all over the world.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent are charities that work to help people in crisis all over the world.

Support is offered in a diverse variety of ways, from emergency help and medical support in times of crisis such as war, terrorism or natural disaster to help those dealing with loneliness and supporting victims of modern slavery and trafficking.

In occasion of this event, the British Red Cross is carrying out fundraising to give hope to many children involved in floods all over the world.

This year, the IFRC aim to broaden the public’s understanding of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement by highlighting the diversity of their work and the universality of their approach.


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