Sanremo - Third International Disaster Law Course
The third IDL (International Disaster Law) course will be held at International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Villa Ormond in Sanremo, Italy from 13th to 17th June 2016
The course is organized by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Disaster Law Project with the support of the Italian Red Cross and it will be directed by David Fisher and Paulo Cavalieri of the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Cross Societies, Disaster Law Programme, and IDL Project Team, composed of Giulio Bartolini, Federico Casolari, Paulo Cavalieri, Emanuele Sommario and Flavia Zorzi Giustiniani.
Other important speakers will take part during this 5-day course, such as Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, special rapporteur of ILC and Walter Kälin, representative of UN Secretary-General.
It will deal with legal aspects of disaster prevention and management, in particular how to analyze man-made and natural disasters prevention.
Participants will be able to acquire new acknowledges through practical exercises which are specifically projected to test the skills to find solutions, applying IDL provisions.
Lectures will be held in English and will be generally divided into oral explanations in the morning, practical exercise in the first part of the afternoon, a break and then the reprise of the workshop.
This course is addressed especially to civil protection staff, Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, but also to students interested in IDL and professionals who have legal, security and humanitarian assistance experience.
The very last deadline for the course application is 20 May 2016. For application, please consult http://www.iihl.org/international-disaster-law-course/
Read further information on http://www.preventionweb.net/events/view/48264