Weather Alert: Summer 2024 - Guide for Emergency Operators

Summer 2024 is particularly challenging for emergency workers and requires preparation and prevention

The summer of 2024 is a particularly complex season from the meteorological point of view, with a rapid succession of extreme conditions that require constant attention by emergency and rescue operators.

Short-term forecast: what to expect

  • Beginning of the week: severe weather warning in the North-East. A strong cyclone vortex will bring intense rainfall and thunderstorms, with risk of clouds and flooding on Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Marche. Strong wind gusts and possible hail are expected
  • Mid week: African heat returns. The anticyclone will regain control, bringing a sudden rise in temperatures, with peaks that could exceed 37-38 degrees in the inner areas
  • Weekend: new thunderstorm front. A new Atlantic disturbance will again bring instability and precipitation, especially in the northern regions

Risks and criticalities

This weather variability entails a number of specific risks for the population and requires high attention by emergency workers:

  • Floods and landslides: Heavy rainfall, especially in already fragile areas, can cause flooding, flooding and landslides
  • Damage to infrastructure: Strong wind and hail can cause damage to roofs, trees and power lines
  • Heat waves: High temperatures can cause heat strokes, dehydration and aggravate the condition of elderly people or those with chronic diseases

Recommendations for emergency workers

  • Constant monitoring: Follow the weather updates and alerts issued by the Civil Protection
  • Preparation of the material: Have all the necessary material ready for emergency interventions in case of floods, landslides or other adverse weather events
  • Coordination with other forces: Ensure effective communication and coordination with other relief forces and local authorities
  • Information to the population: Disseminate timely information to the population, providing advice on how to act in case of emergency
  • Personal safety: Do not forget to take care of your own safety during rescue operations. Always use personal protective equipment and follow standard operating procedures

Useful tips for the population

  • Follow the directions of the authorities: In case of weather alert, follow carefully the directions of the competent authorities and limit the movements
  • Protect your home: Secure items that could be carried away by the wind and clean gutters to avoid obstructions
  • Check the weather forecast: Consult the weather bulletins regularly and keep up to date with the situation
  • Prepare an emergency kit: Keep an emergency kit with a battery-powered radio, torch, water, non-perishable food and a first aid kit on hand

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