Working shoes comparison for ambulance professionals and EMS workers
Safety shoes: GRISPORT RUSH
Tester: Edoardo Govoni
Position: First Aid Volunteer and BLSD first responder, ambulance driver for Misericordia of Pisa
For a successful test, this pair of shoes have been subjected to 3 tests. The first test saw the shoes employed in the emergency medical service with a medical response car. The second test has been made during a health transportation service by ambulance (hospitalization). During the third, disconnected from the rescue and emergency field, I use the shoes during a photo shooting day in Venice. I stand for several hours and walk up and down onto bridges and slippery streets.
My impressions with GRISPORT RUSH on
In the first test, it was immediately evident that the rigid and high sole avoids the possibility of getting injured with needles. The second test saw the use in transports, where the comfort of the upper has been excellent both to lift patients (carrying case, stretcher and emergency chair) and for riding on one distance over 140 km. In driving the control on the pedal has always been effective.
In the end, the shoes have been put really to the test, with climbs and descents, smooth and sometimes wet floor I never slipped, always remaining safe. Only after 12 hours, I started suffering from fatigue, but considering the type of shoe, it did everything in its power! Not all positive, we must do note: the material is excellent, it is efficient and defends itself well in the dirt, and has a long lasting idea, but not too breathable. The necessity of a breathable shoe goes without doubts against the waterproof feature. With this model of shoe, the professional can work without the water issue, but a more breathable upper could be a good advantage.
- QUALITY – A good kind of shoe. It revealed a good solution 5/5
- COMFORT – All in all, it is very good, but unfortunately it is not breathable 4/5
- RESISTANCE – Internal materials are good, also for what concerns external stitching 5/5
- DESIGN – Not too much showy, clean and much appreciable 4/5
- HAIX Airpower XR1
- Gripper Murray S3
- Grisport Rush
- Grisport Ischia
- Gaibana ES118 HOVERING