Fast and effective dialogue between the ambulance and the Operations Centre: the excellence of Italsi and its Galileo Ambulanze
Medical transport has evolved, and has benefited significantly from the technological innovation that has characterized the last twenty years
The more expert and “navigated” rescuers have observed with their own eyes the implementations of the emergency vehicles, which concerned the mechanics of the ambulance and the self-medication as much as its ability to “dialogue” and even “think”, in a sometimes anticipatory of the needs of rescuer and patient.
The examples of this evolutionary path would be endless today as today.
Dealing with a time-dependent pathology, such as a stroke, without a close dialogue with the operations center and the exact and instantaneous transmission of the patient’s clinical conditions would be almost unthinkable today.
And the same meaning have the bodycams that in many places are starting to appear on the uniforms and helmets of the rescuers, in many areas of Italy.
Dialogue and data transmission, two terms that have taken on an inescapable centrality in today’s rescue chain.
But this is not always simple, because this can happen by relying on the open source of the “volunteer programmer” or on start-ups that open and close, with many greetings to software updates and the money invested in the purchase of hardware.
And big problems arise when dealing with “light” companies with respect to the increasingly complex and stringent dictates inherent in privacy, today a central theme in any human sector.
In all of this, Italsi has excelled for many years
The solidity of the company and the performance capacity of its products are also well known in the rescue world.
Many of the most important realities on the national territory, let’s think of the world ANPAS, Croce Rossa, Misericordia, Sogit, as well as excellent healthcare facilities, such as the most famous hospitals in Lombardy and Veneto, have relied on IT solutions for the management of medical transport of Italsi, Galileo Ambulance and Galileo ASST.
Galileo Ambulance, Italsi’s response to the new needs of the emergency and rescue sector
Galileo Ambulance is an Ambulance Information Management software, and therefore deals with the management and automation of primary and secondary medical transport and their operational centres.
One of the characteristics of Galileo Ambulance excellence concerns compliance with the GDPR on Privacy.
Up until a few years ago privacy seemed to be about individual sensitivities, such as vegan nutrition, holism and resilience.
Today it is a pivot around which the credibility and seriousness of any company or institution is built.
Italsi “locks down” your future software by strictly complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2018).
The strengths of the Galileo ecosystem are represented by the modularity in various areas, from the more purely managerial one, to moving towards real automation on board the vehicle, with easy-to-use mobile solutions, but particularly rich in functions (transport management , checklist, parameter registration, signature on board the vehicle, sanitisation, supplies, two-way communications and much more).
Added to this is the exclusive integrated satellite tracking module, capable of performing the localization function in real time, but integrated with the travel documents and with the modules on board the vehicle.
On the map it will be possible to view the position and routes, but in addition we will have many other localized data, such as the patient transported, the destination structure, the automatic interception of target arrival/stop/departure and much more.
And, most importantly, Galileo communicates in real time with hospitals and the various healthcare facilities in the area, thus creating a truly unique technological network throughout not only Italy, but Europe.
Galileo Ambulance, standard module. What does the Italsi software include?
- Management of secondary services/interventions and emergencies
- Booking/binding agenda, cyclical service planning
- Automatic billing of services and counts on configurable parameters
- Management of supplies and calculation of UTIF refunds
- Member/Volunteer/Employee Management
- Scheduling shifts and teams (also mobile)
- Traceability of memberships/fees paid and expense reimbursements
- Course planning and qualifications
- Warehouse, minimum stocks, supplies, equipment
- Integrated Document Storage!!
- Dynamic report module for unlimited report creation
- Multi-operator, access levels, branch office management
- Vehicle master data, maintenance, deadlines and related alarms
- Touch-Screen module for quick closure of services upon return
And so on…
The standard module can be implemented, upon customer request, by inserting analytical accounting tools, shift attendance tracking, electronic invoicing and, if the organization takes care of it, management of the integrated social counter.
The graphical interface is simple and intuitive because it was born directly and exclusively from feedback from industry operators.
All this, combined with personalized assistance and the innate vocation for on-demand software development, allow us to boast a very high level of user satisfaction.
Finally, we can affirm that Italsi customers are real partners, therefore, if you intend to deepen technical details and references, the invitation is to get in touch, as well as with the dedicated customer service, directly with the structures that already have adopted Galileo solutions.
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