Mental health issues: free helplines in UK to assist people
Mental health issues are different. We cannot generalize the concept. Read about 8 different free helplines support that can assist you in most cases.
When we talk about psychological diseases we must bear in mind that they are a very different one from another. We cannot generalize the concept. In particular, when we talk about PTSD, we must remember that in most cases, the afflicted person is not aware of the disease he or she is suffering.
As we wrote on the article about Blue Monday, mental health issues can occur on any day of the year, not only on Monday, and friends and family can play an important role by being there all year round.
Cassiobury Court believes in the value of free mental health helplines and established an important service that can mean a step forward the assistance of these people.
Mental health issues: free helplines in UK to assist people
Below you find some free helplines available in the UK for people suffering from mental health issues. These helplines are not only for the family but especially for people who have been diagnosed with a mental disease, for the possibility to talk with someone who will listen without a judge.
1. Anxiety UK
Anxiety UK is a charity that provides help to people who have been diagnosed with anxiety. Anxiety UK’s resource centre offer resources to help relieve and support people suffering from stress, anxiety and anxiety-based depression.
2. Bipolar UK
Bipolar UK is a nationwide charity. Bipolar UK dedicates itself towards assisting those suffering from bipolar, their carers and their families. Biopolar UK assists around 80,000 each year.
CALM stands for the Campaign Against Living Miserably. CALM is dedicated to preventing male suicide. Suicide is the biggest cause of death under the age of 45.
4. Men’s Health Forum
Men’s Health Forum (MHF) is set up to help tackle the high rate of male premature death. One in man in five currently dies before the age of 65. MHF raises awareness about male premature death through Men’s Health Week.
5. Mind
Mind is perhaps the most well-known helpline on this list. Mind provides advice and support for people suffering from mental health issues. Mind also campaigns to improve services and raise awareness about mental health problems.
6. No Panic
No Panic assists to help people who experience panic attacks, phobias, OCF and other anxiety-related disorders. No Panic is also on hand to assist carers of people who suffer from anxiety issues. No Panic promotes a range of self-help solutions. No Panic empowers people with skills that allow them to manage and alleviate their anxiety.
7. Priory Hospitals UK
The Priory is the largest provider of mental health and addiction treatment in the United Kingdom. They have hospitals and clinics across the country, that service NHS referral as well as private admissions.