Advanced Airway management on the field
Dr. Mario Rugna
Dear collegue, wathever intubator you are, occasional or regular, feel free to submit any comment on the plan and also fell free, if you think it’s useful, to use and share it. It will be appreciated.
Following some discussion on who owns the airway (see the comments at the post Paralytic is the answer on EMPills Blog) I found this comment:
Have to admit: I’m an occasional intubator. I manage something like 10 airways per month, all of them are “non conventional”, (no operating room, no chance to wake the patient, no chance to call an expert), and usually I have no time to evalute any of common indicators to predict difficult airway (time is often a rare issue in ground or air prehospital scenarios). Half of the airway I manage are CRASH, half needs an RSI, so, shame on me, I’m also an occasional “paralytic agents user”. So I desperatley need a plan”.
But lissen, I got one!