GeoResQ, a mountain safety app
The speed of intervention is a determining factor in the success of mountain rescue. The Italian National Mountain and Caving Rescue Corps (Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (Cnsas)), in collaboration with the Italian Mountaineering Centre (Cai – Centro Alpino Italiano), now has an smartphone app for all mountain users to improve the speed and precision of rescue operations. In the event of an emergency you only need to touch the GeoResQ icon on your device screen to contact the Mountain Rescue Service. The call will be precisely geolocalised, allowing the rescuers to go straight to the right place, thereby reducing wasted time. GeoResQ can be used on all smartphones using Android, Blackberry or iOs, and the version for Windows Phone will shortly be available. This new IT safety tool is designed for any mountain user, from expert mountaineers to ramblers, who will be able to alert the rescue service in real time and with maximum precision. Tracciami, for example, one the functions of this new app, can trace the walker’s route on the electronic map in real time, thus allowing rescuers, in the event of a problem, to intervene with an acceptable degree of precision. The route can also be followed by people back at home on the home computer to reassure relatives who may be able to help rescuers in the event of problems. At the new system’s heart is the Alarm function, which can put the injured mountaineer directly in contact with GeoResQ’s switchboard, which is operational 24/7 in order to coordinate rescue operations anywhere in Italy, even in inaccessible places. The service is available by subscription and costs 20 euros + VAT per year.