SPEEDBOMB: Simple and rapid checklist for pre-hospital RSI

prehospital_RSIA simple and rapid checklist for Pre-hospital Rapid Sequence Induction

Authors: Lars MOMMERS, Sean KEOGH
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands; and University of the SunshineCoast, Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia

Published on EMA Journal

Prehospital emergency medical services often operate in the most challenging and austere environments. Checklist use for complex tasks in thesecircumstances is useful but must maketask completion simpler, faster and more effective. The SPEEDBOMB checklist for Prehospital Rapid Sequence In-duction (PRSI) management rapidly addresses critical steps in the RSI process, is designed to improve checklist compliance and patient safety, and is adaptable for local circumstances.
Key words: checklist, prehospitalairway management, Prehospital RapidSequence Induction, retrievalmedicine.

Introduction: Prehospital Rapid Sequence Induc-tion (PRSI) is a critical and high-risk intervention that often engenders clinician stress, even in experienced prehospital care medical practitioners. Hostile or cramped environments,inadequate or excessive lighting conditions, unfamiliar team composition, multiple distractions, time constraints and the presence of a critically ill, non-fasted patient are some of the many issues that make this prehospital intervention a challenge. Checklists are useful to structure complex tasks and to help prevent omissions, facilitating successful task completion. To be successfully adopted, a checklist must be seen to be relevantand useful rather than a nuisance task.

The initial submission is from PHARM Blog

[document url=”https://prehospitalandretrievalmedicine.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/initial-submitted-version.pdf” width=”600″ height=”820″]

Here is a link to the final published article on EMA Journal.






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