New fire fighting equipment in Basilicata to face the emergency

The Civil Protection has delivered 11 new fire fighting vehicles to the associations of volunteers lucane

An important step forward in the fight against forest fires in Basilicata. The regional Civil Protection has delivered today 11 new fire trucks to voluntary associations operating in the area. This is a significant investment, worth over one million euros, financed by the National Department of Civil Protection, which will significantly strengthen emergency response capacities.

New vehicles

The new vehicles, pick-ups of last generation with four wheels drive, are equipped with steel tanks of 400 liters and pumps able to deliver up to 50 liters of water per minute. These technical characteristics make them particularly suitable for quenching operations, even in areas of difficult access.

The characteristics of new vehicles

  • Pick-up 4×4: They ensure greater mobility even in rough terrain
  • 400-litre tank: Ensures good operational autonomy
  • High-flow pump: Allows large quantities of water to be dispensed in a short time
  • State-of-the-art equipment: Vehicles are equipped with all the necessary equipment for shutdown operations.

Faster and more efficient operations

“With these new means,” said Giovanni Di Bello, head of the Basilicata Civil Protection Office, “our volunteers will be able to work more quickly and effectively, increasing the response capacity and safety of operators”.

An investment for the future

The purchase of these new means is part of a broader plan to strengthen the Civil Protection Lucana, Aimed at making the system increasingly efficient and ready to face the challenges posed by climate change and the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events. ” Forest fires are a growing threat to our territory”, added Pepe. “With these new means and thanks to the commitment of our volunteers, we are better prepared to face this emergency and protect our environmental heritage”.

A message of prevention

The delivery of new firefighting equipment represents a significant step forward in fighting fires in Basilicata, but it does not solve the problem of forest fires alone. It is essential that all citizens adopt responsible behaviour to prevent fires, avoiding dangerous behaviour such as leaving cigarettes or lighting fires and respecting the rules in force on fire prevention.

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