24-hour urine citrate: why are these analyses performed?
What is urinary citrate and why is the test to measure its concentration in urine performed? Citrate (or citric acid) in urine is an important inhibitor of kidney stone formation and, therefore, a low concentration of it implies the risk of stone formation
Several metabolic disorders are associated with low citrate content in urine, particularly those that decrease renal tubular pH or intracellular PH.
What does the urinary citrate test result mean?
A urinary citrate value below the reference ranges indicated next to the laboratory results indicates a risk for kidney stone formation.
How is the test performed?
The test is performed on a sample of urine collected within 24 hours.
Citrate test in urine, are there any preparation rules?
Numerous medications affect the urinary citrate concentration and may interfere with the results of the test, so it is advisable to inform your specialist of your current treatment.
Please note that the results of the laboratory tests must be framed by the doctor, taking into account any medications taken, phytotherapeutic products and medical history.
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